Find out which Personal Year Astrology Number You are

This number can range from 1 to 9, but the interesting part is: what does each number mean? Here it is:

Personal Astrology Year Number 

Personal Astrology Year Number 1 – 1 represents, from an astrological point of view, a beginning. This can mean that this year, you will be directed to different paths and to various new opportunities. These new options and directions can help you find the things you need and have been searching for for a long time. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 2 – 2 is a transition number, it is always one of those “middle” numbers. This basically means that this year, you will mostly concentrate on adjusting to new situations, situations that appeared in the previous years, and, at the same time, you will try to collaborate with other better, to open up more and to improve yourself emotionally. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 3 – 3 is almost always a happy, positive number. Your life will be mostly full of joy and optimism, especially because you will embrace life with more positive feelings, with a healthier attitude and with more smiles. It is the year of an enhanced imagination and creativity, so you should try directing your activities to something creative. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 4 – 4 somehow implies stability and safety. This year, your life will be quite on the right track, with minor inconveniences and with a realistic, solid attitude. You will feel confident and powerful and most of your moves will focus on the practical aspects of life. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 5 – 5 is not a “stable” number, it is a number that represents challenges and new directions. This year, your life will not be as stable as before, but this could please you: you will embrace new feelings, new moods, new emotions, new activities and all these will improve you spiritually and emotionally. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 6 – 6 is a number that represents stability, but, in this case, a lot of responsibilities, as well. This year, you will face new challenges and these will challenge come along with an additional package of ups and downs that you need to face with maturity. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 7 – 7 is always a meaningful number in astrology. In 2007, it is your time to discover or rediscover yourself, to introspect, meditate and reflect upon the things you need and want in life, upon your ambitions, feelings and desires.
Personal Astrology Year Number 8 – 8 represents, in 2007, a practical, material aspect of life. You might advance in your career, you might fight and earn more money for a better social status. 8 is now the number of material targets and successes. 
Personal Astrology Year Number 9 – 9 is the last number in the list and this is exactly what it means: the time to say goodbye. Whether it is about a relationship, a job, a past that you need to leave behind, it is the right time for a significant closure.
Some confuse the personal year number with the personal number, but the two are very different, in fact. While the personal number indicates various directions in one’s life in general, the personal year number indicates various aspects in one’s life in a given, specific year. 


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