12 Astrology Zodiac Symbols Meanings

 Meanings Astrology Zodiac Symbols 

Aries - a source from which life springs, birth 

Taurus - mother earth, the supporting mother cow 

Gemini - the dualism of night and day, light and dim, and so on 

Cancer - the climbing and dropping, the cycles of the moon 

Leo - image of sun, life, energy, interminability 

Virgo - the season of procuring 

Libra - scales or dusk, symbolizing agreement and adjust 

Scorpio - rune of death with a scorpions tail 

Sagittarius - a bolt indicating the sky, the quest for something higher 

Capricorn - the image of the rising sun (winter solistice) 

Aquarius - the forward-development of water, endless movement 

Pisces - two fishes who are entwined however swim in contradicting bearings 

Perhaps, rather than getting a tattoo of your astrology zodiac sign you need to get a photo or image of its decision planet? 


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